
ABN lookup

Product Releases

As a venue operator, chef or owner you’re expected to remember a lot of numbers. From phone and banking details to your Australian Business Number (ABN). Our latest feature release can help change that.

ABN lookup

We’ve released a new feature that allows you to add your own ABN to your Foodbomb account.

  • If you are new to Foodbomb you will now be able to add your ABN number while setting up your Foodbomb account.
  • Once you've added your ABN it will then be automatically be added to all of your Foodbomb invoices.
Add ABN dashboard notification
  • Already using Foodbomb and haven’t added your ABN yet? On your next login, the platform will notify you that you will be required to add your ABN via the account page. You will also be able to search your venue’s ABN via the lookup feature and it will be listed under Venue Details via the account page.
ABN lookup feature


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